Your trusted driving school for the class B & BE driving license. We offer professional and individual training that prepares you in the best possible way for the demands of road traffic. Our experienced driving instructors respond individually to your needs and learning progress, so that you quickly and safely obtain your driver's license. We use the most modern teaching methods and always provide you with top-equipped vehicles.
At, we focus on your safety and success. That is why we offer you not only professional training, but also friendly and competent support throughout your driving training. We support you in all questions and problems, so that you successfully pass your test and are safe on the road.
Choose as your driving school now and benefit from our many years of experience and expertise. Contact us today and start your driving training with - your reliable partner for the class B & BE driving license.
Althardstrasse 185,
8105 Regensdorf, Switzerland
Újlengyel, Dózsa György utca
2724, Hungary
Zöld utca, Jereváni út, Gyor, Zöld utca
9028, Hungary
Sopron, Erzsébet utca 1
9400, Hungary
Velchova zavera, kv. Maslovo, Kostinbrod
2230 Bulgaria
Ruga Skenderbeu
62000 Kamenice, Kosova
Althardstrasse 185, CH-8105 Regensdorf
Dozsa György utca 26
2724 Ujlengyel, Ungarn
Jerevani u 42 9028
Györ, Ungarn
Erzsébet utca 1 9400
Sopron, Ungarn
29 Velchova zavera
2230 Kostinbrod, Bulgarien
Ruga Skenderbeu
62000 Kamenice, Kosova